Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose:
The First Free Black Town in What Is
Today the United States
Fort Mose
Fort Mose Historic State Park
Menendez, Francisco. Petition, 1740
De Montiano, Manuel. ES.41091.AGI//CONTRATACION,5483,N.2,R.22
De Montiano, Manuel.
Account of the Battle of Fort Mose
Historical Maps of Fort Mose and Batewell Farm Area. George A. Smathers Libraries
Fort Mose Map,
Florida Center for Instructional Technology, 2006
UNESCO Slave Route Site Nomination Form
Landers, Jane.
The Atlantic Transformation of Francisco Menéndez
Spanish Sanctuary: Fugitives in Florida, 1687-1790
An Eighteen-Century Community in Exile: The "Floridanos" in Cuba
Fort Mose Artifacts
Florida Museum. Fort Mose Exhibit
Guide to Researching in Florida's Colonial Papers: Spanish Colonial Period: The Archive of the Indies
Old Florida Maps
"St Augustine: America's Ancient City," Florida Museum of Natural History
Historical Archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History
Florida History Online
Fort Mose Historical Society
Florida Historical Map Collection of the University of Florida
The Florida Photographic Collection
Historic St. Augustine Research Institute
"La desconocida historia de los negros libres en la Norteamérica española," Spanish newspaper ABC
"Skeletons Found Under a Florida Wine Shop May Be Some of America's First Colonists,"
Florida Memory
English Plantations on the St. Johns River